Feb 13, 2012

The Green Vest

Today a friend asked me to go with him to an interview. So I, as a good friend, went with him.
So there's always the awkward moment when you get lost going somewhere you have never been, and so we got lost. You always get lost when you are in a hurry. Try getting lost when you have time to kill. Just try it...
It's freaking impossible!!!
You can't get lost when you are not in a hurry.
But when you're not... ohh boy you are going to get lost in your own street, where you've lived your whole life I guarantee you that.

After a while we managed to get there and we knocked on the office door and a pretty lady came up and told him to go in, I went in aswell thinking that as I was accompanying him I was allowed to go in...
I was wrong. She didn't let me in. She was polite, but what I felt was like someone had just stabbed me in the eye and I was on my way to the Maker. I had my heart broken by the receptionist. So I stood in the hall waiting for the enterview to finish. That moment felt like hours. People were passing by and I just saw the disapproving look on their face. They knew I wasn't meant to go in that room.
After a while my friend got out and his face was all red so I asked what was wrong. He said that he was really excited because he got accepted(it was a model agency) so he was going to take some pictures. He,  then explained to me what the room was like and the way he described it was like heaven on earth. After that I didn't heard a word he said. I got mad cauz he got in the room and I didn't.

Just a fluorescent greenish vest
On the way back the most wonderfull thing happened. The car engine overheated and we had to pull over. I had to call the support and put on the green vest and the warning triangle on the floor. Those of you who never had to put on that ridiculous vest and place the triangle on the road will never know how it feels like.
It was one of the most embarassing moments of my life. Having to count about 40 steps to place the triangle wearing that vest. 
After a while I kinda got used to the evil vest and I actually enjoyed wearing it. 
Made me look goooooood. I was shining. And not in the bad vampire-way.

I decided to start wearing it everyday. And don't you judge me for that. Not even King Solomon  looked so good in all his majesty as I did with that green fluorescent vest.

So eventually we managed to cool the engine down and get home safely without any Michael Bay-like movie explosions.

Just remember always check your oil and water. Or you might have to look sexy without knowing it.

At ease,
The Fluorescent Sergeant

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